NAME builtin::compat - Provide builtin functions for older perl versions SYNOPSIS use builtin::compat qw( true false is_bool inf nan weaken unweaken is_weak blessed refaddr reftype created_as_string created_as_number stringify ceil floor trim indexed load_module ); DESCRIPTION Provides builtin functions for perl versions that do not include the builtin module. No functions are exported by default. This module does its best to behave similar to builtin, which creates its exported functions as lexicals. The functions will be created in the currently compiling scope, not the immediate caller of "builtin::compat->import". The functions will also be removed at the end of the compilation scope using namespace::clean. The builtin functions will be used directly when they are available. FUNCTIONS true See "true" in builtin. false See "false" in builtin. is_bool See "is_bool" in builtin. Prior to perl 5.36, it was not possible to track boolean values fully accurately. This function will not be perfectly accurate on earlier perl versions. inf See "inf" in builtin. nan See "nan" in builtin. weaken See "weaken" in builtin. unweaken See "unweaken" in builtin. is_weak See "is_weak" in builtin. blessed See "blessed" in builtin. refaddr See "refaddr" in builtin. reftype See "reftype" in builtin. created_as_string See "created_as_string" in builtin. Prior to perl 5.36, it was not possible to check if a scalar value was created as a number or as a string fully accurately. This function will not be entirely accurate before then, but should be as accurate as is possible on these perl versions. In particular, a string like "12345" that has been used as a number will cause "create_as_string" to return false and "created_as_number" to return true. created_as_number See "created_as_number" in builtin. Has the same caveats as "created_as_string". stringify See "stringify" in builtin. ceil See "ceil" in builtin. floor See "floor" in builtin. trim See "trim" in builtin. indexed See "indexed" in builtin. load_module See "load_module" in builtin. AUTHOR haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) CONTRIBUTORS None so far. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2022 the builtin::compat "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself. See .