---------------------------------- Wx::ActiveX 0.14 ---------------------------------- ActiveX interface for Wx ---------------------------------- PPMs ---------------------------------- PPMs are available at http://www.wxperl.co.uk/ ---------------------------------- Build ---------------------------------- This is ActiveX so it is a MSWin specific module. You will need Wx >= 0.50 together with Alien::wxWidgets >=0.24. If you have built your own Alien::wxWidgets or installed a development PPM or PAR Distribution of Alien wxWidgets, then the standard methods should work: Development distributions ------------------------ MSVC & ActiveState Perl ------------------------ perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install ------------------------ MinGW & ActiveState Perl ------------------------ ActiveState Perl with a Win32::BuildNumber of 822 (Perl 5.8), 1002 (Perl 5.10), or greater. perl Makefile.PL dmake dmake test dmake install If you are using ActiveState Perl with a Win32::BuildNumber of 820 or lower, then you need ExtUtils:FakeConfig installed and should do: perl -MConfig_m Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install You will need the free nmake from Microsoft to install ExtUtils:FakeConfig 0.10 You don't need ExtUtils:FakeConfig or the -MConfig_m option if your Win32::BuildNumber is 822 (Perl 5.8), 1002 (Perl 5.10), or greater. --------------- Strawberry Perl --------------- perl Makefile.PL dmake dmake test dmake install ---------------------------------- ORIGINAL AUTHOR ---------------------------------- Graciliano M. P ---------------------------------- Current Maintainer ---------------------------------- Mark Dootson <mdootson@cpan.org>