Net::Curl::Parallel - perform concurrent HTTP requests using libcurl


      use Net::Curl::Parallel;
      my $fetch = Net::Curl::Parallel->new(
        agent           => 'Net::Curl::Parallel/v0.1',
        slots           => 10,
        max_redirects   => 3,
        connect_timeout => 50,  # ms
        request_timeout => 500, # ms
      # Add requests to be handled concurrently
      my ($req1) = $fetch->add(HTTP::Request->new(...));         # pass an HTTP::Request instance
      my ($req2) = $fetch->add(GET => ''); # pass HTTP::Request constructor args
      my ($req3) = $fetch->try(GET => ...);                      # like add() but don't croak on failure
      # Request the... uh, well, requests
      # Collect individually
      my $res1 = $fetch->collect($req1);
      my $res2 = $fetch->collect($req2);
      my $res3 = $fetch->collect($req3);
      # Collect a few
      my @responses = $fetch->collect($req1, $req2);
      # Or get the whole set
      my @responses = $fetch->collect;
      # Perform a single request
      my $response = Net::Curl::Parallel->fetch(...);


     Stop trying to make fetch happen; it's not going to happen
       -- author of superior module, L<ZR::Curl>, fREW "mean-girl" Schmidt



    Performs a single request and returns the response. Accepts the same
    parameters as "add" or "try" and returns a
    Net::Curl::Parallel::Response. Internally, this routine uses "try", so
    failed requests do not die. Instead, check the value of "failed" in

      my $response = Net::Curl::Parallel->fetch(GET => ...);
      if ($response->failed) {
      } else {


    Please see the NOTES below about this class method.



    The default values for constructor arguments have been selected as
    sensible for an interactive web request. Please exercise care when
    increasing these numbers to ensure web service worker availability as
    well as to avoid bandwidth saturation and throttling.


      User agent string. Defaults to 'Net::Curl::Parallel/v0.1'.


      Max number of requests to process simultaneously. Defaults to 10.


      Max number of times a remote server may redirect any single request.
      Defaults to undef (no redirects).


      Max initial connection time in milliseconds. Defaults to 50.


      Max total request time in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.


      Autmatically set Connection: keep-alive on all HTTP requests.
      Defaults to true.

      If a request already has a Connection: header, that header will be
      left alone.


      Turn on verbose logging within curl. Defaults to false.


    Adds any number of HTTP::Request objects to the download set. May also
    be called with arguments to pass unchanged to the HTTP::Request
    constructor, in which case all arguments are consumed and a single
    request is added.

    Any request which fails will croak, preventing the servicing of any
    further requests. Completed requests result in an
    Net::Curl::Parallel::Response object.

    Returns a list of array indexes that identify the location of the
    responses in the result array returned by "perform". The order of the
    returned indexes corresponds to the order of requests passed to add as

      my @ids  = $fetch->add($req1, $req2, $req3);
      my ($id) = $fetch->add(GET => ...);
      # This also works.
      my $id   = $fetch->add(GET => ...);


    Similar to "add", but a failed request will result in a failed
    HTTP::Response with an error message rather than croaking.

      my ($response) = $fetch->perform;
      if ($response->failed) {
      } else {


    Performs all requests and returns a list of each response in the order
    it was added. This method will not return until all requests have
    completed or an unhandled error is encountered. Returns a list of
    Net::Curl::Parallel::Response objects corresponding to the index values
    returned by the "add" and "try" methods.

    The behavior of an individual request when an error is encountered
    (e.g. unable to reach the remote host, timeout, etc.) is determined by
    whether the request was added by "add" or "try".

    NOTE: This means perform() could end prematurely if a request added
    with "add" throws an exception, even if all the other requests were
    added with "try".


    When called in list context, returns a list of responses corresponding
    to the list of request ids passed in. If called without arguments, the
    defaults to all responses.

    When called in scalar context, returns a single response corresponding
    to the request id passed in. If called without arguments, returns an
    array ref holding all responses.

    NOTE: This will not block if the request is not completed with


 POSTs and Expect header

    If you "add" a POST request, libcurl normally adds a 'Expect:
    100-continue' header depending on the body size. This can often result
    in undesirable behavior, so Net::Curl::Parallel disables that by adding
    a blank 'Expect:' header by default.

    You can set an 'Expect:' header and Net::Curl::Parallel will leave it

 Pool of curls

    In order to conserve memory, there is a process-global pool of
    Net::Curl::Easy objects. These are the objects that do the actual HTTP
    requests. You can access them with $self->curls.

    The pool's size defaults to 50. You can set this by calling

      # Or whatever number

    The pool will be resized the next time "perform" completes.

    Note: The pool's max size is ignored while "perform" is running; the
    max is only enforced at the end of "perform".


 Remember to call perform

      jp    [4:07 PM] ah, helps if you actually `perform` the requests
      jober [4:09 PM] Ah, good caveat. I ought to put that in the docs.
      jp    [4:09 PM] it is in there, just a little hidden


    Rob Kinyon <>


    Initial versions written by ZipRecruiter staff (jober and others).

    Codebase and support generously provided by ZipRecruiter for


    Copyright (C) 2010-onwards by ZipRecruiter

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.