NAME Data::Type - versatile data/type verification, validation and testing VERSION 0.01.01 (Tue Jan 7 23:27:21 2003) DESCRIPTION This module supports types. Out of the ordinary it supports parameterised types (like databases have i.e. VARCHAR(80) ). When you try to feed a typed variable against some odd data, this module explains what he would have expected. It doesnt support casting (yet). Backend was realized with Regexp::Common, Email::Valid and Business::CreditCard. TYPES and FILTERS perl -e "use Data::Type qw(:all); print catalog()" lists all supported types: Data::Type 0.01.01 supports 27 types: BINARY - binary code BOOL - a true or false value CREDITCARD - is one of a set of creditcard type (DINERS, BANKCARD, VISA, .. DATE - a date DATETIME - a date and time combination EMAIL - an email address ENUM - a member of an enumeration GENDER - a gender (male|female) HEX - hexadecimal code INT - an integer IP - an IP (V4, MAC) network address LONGTEXT - text with a max length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) characters (.. MEDIUMTEXT - text with a max length of 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters (al.. NUM - a number QUOTED - a quoted string REAL - a real REF - a reference to a variable SET - a set (can have a maximum of 64 members (mysql)) TEXT - blob with a max length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters (alias.. TIME - a time TIMESTAMP - a timestamp TINYTEXT - text with a max length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters (alias my.. URI - an http uri VARCHAR - a string with limited length of choice (default 60) WORD - a word (without spaces) YEAR - a year in 2- or 4-digit format YESNO - a simple answer (yes|no) And 4 filters: chomp - chomps lc - lower cases strip - strip uc - upper cases GROUPED TOC Logic CREDITCARD, REF Database Logic ENUM, SET Time or Date related DATE, DATETIME, TIME, TIMESTAMP, YEAR String LONGTEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, TEXT, TINYTEXT W3C String BINARY, HEX Numeric BOOL, INT, NUM, REAL String EMAIL, GENDER, IP, QUOTED, URI, VARCHAR, WORD, YESNO GROUP Database These are types from the mysql database builtin types. CREDITCARD This type isn't tested at all and nobody should rely on it. Supported are: 'Diners Club', 'Australian BankCard', 'VISA', 'Discover/Novus', 'JCB', 'MasterCard', 'Carte Blache', 'American Express'. They are parameterised as: DINERS, BANKCARD, VISA, DISCOVER, JCB, MASTERCARD, BLACHE, AMEX. EXAMPLES Look in the t directory (of the release) for examples. Here a very simple one: use Data::Type qw(:all); use Error qw(:try); try { verify( 'muenalan<at>' , EMAIL ); print "email valid"; } catch Type::Exception with { print "this is not an email"; }; KEYWORDS data types, data manipulation, data patterns, form data, user input, tie INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install CPAN PREREQUISITES Class::Maker (0.05.10), Error (0.15), IO::Extended (0.05), Regexp::Common (1.20), Email::Valid (0.14), Tie::ListKeyedHash (0.41), Business::CreditCard (0.27), Iter (0) CONTRIBUTIONS The author is happy to receive more types (formats) and add to this library. If you have a algorithm/regex for validating it, the better. Just email me. AUTHOR Murat Ünalan, <> COPYRIGHT/LICENSE (c) 2002 by Murat Ünalan. All rights reserved. Note: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself LAST CHANGES 0.01.01 Migrated from 'Data::Verify' to 'Data::Type' namespace Removed the pre-alpha disclaimer from README This now is alpha software added IType::W3C Interface where types from are implemented changed 'Function' namespace to 'Facet' conforming w3c added HEX, BINARY types