
XML::Snap is a quick and relatively modern way to work with XML. If, like me, you have
little patience for the endless reams of standards the XML community burdens you with,
maybe you'll like it too! If you want to maintain compatibility with normal people,
though, and you want to avoid scaling problems later, you're probably better off sitting
down and understanding XML::LibXML and the SAX ecosystem.

The other large omission from the model at present is namespaces. If you use namespaces
(and honestly, most applications do) then again, you should be using libxml or one of
the SAX parsers.

Still here? Cool. XML::Snap is my personal way of dealing with XML when I can't avoid it.
It's roughly based on my experiences with my ANSI C library "xmlapi", which I wrote back
in 2000 to wrap the Expat parser. Along the way, I ended up building a lot of handy
functionality into the library that made C programming palatable - and a lot of that was
string and list manipulation that Perl renders superfluous. So after working with a port
for a while, I tossed it. This is what I ended up with.

Its primary purpose is the extraction of data, including linguistic data, from XML-based
storage files, which are very common in the translation industry.


Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Roberts

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0).