File::Random Version 0.15 ========================= NAME File::Random - Perl module for random selecting of a file INSTALLATION The classic perl Makefile.PL make make test make install will do this job. SYNOPSIS use File::Random qw/:all/; my $fname = random_file(); my $fname2 = random_file(-dir => $dir); my $random_gif = random_file(-dir => $dir, -check => qr/\.gif$/, -recursive => 1); my $no_exe = random_file(-dir => $dir, -check => sub {! -x}); my @jokes_of_the_day = content_of_random_file(-dir => '/usr/lib/jokes'); my $joke_of_the_day = content_of_random_file(-dir => '/usr/lib/jokes'); # or the shorter my $joke = corf(-dir => '/usr/lib/jokes'); my $word_of_the_day = random_line('/usr/share/dict/words'); DESCRIPTION This module simplifies the routine job of selecting a random file. (As you can find at CGI scripts). It's done, because it's boring (and errorprone), always to write something like my @files = (<*.*>); my $randf = $files[rand @files]; or opendir DIR, " ... " or die " ... "; my @files = grep {-f ...} (readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my $randf = $files[rand @files]; It also becomes very boring and very dangerous to write randomly selection for subdirectory searching with special check-routines. The simple standard job of selecting a random line from a file is implemented, too. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More Test::Exception Test::Class Set::Scalar File::Temp Test::Class itselfs needs the following additional modules: Attribute::Handlers Class::ISA IO::File Storable Test::Builder Test::Builder::Tester Test::Differences All these modules are needed only for the tests. You can work with the module even without them. These modules are only needed for my test routines, not by the File::Random itself. (However, it's a good idea most to install most of the modules anyway). COPYRIGHT This Program is free software. You can change or redistribute it under the same condition as Perl itself. Copyright (c) 2002, Janek Schleicher, <> AUTHOR Janek Schleicher, <> SEE ALSO Tie::Pick Data::Random