File/Random version 0.01 ======================== NAME File::Random - Perl module for random selecting of a file SYNOPSIS use File::Random qw/random_file/; my $fname = random_file(); DESCRIPTION This module simplifies the routine job of selecting a random file. (As you can find at CGI scripts). It's done, because it's boring, always to write something like my @files = (<*.*>); my $randf = $files[rand @files]; or opendir DIR, " ... " or die " ... "; my @files = grep {-f ...} (readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my $randf = $files[rand @files]; FUNCTIONS random_file Returns a randomly selected file(name) from the current directory. If the directory is empty, undef will be returned. EXPORT None by default. TODO In this version, there's only a random file from the actual directory returned. I also want to make it possible to write: my $fname = random_file( -dir => '...', -recursive => 1, -check => qr/\.html/ ); or even: my $fname = random_file( -dir => [$dir1, $dir2, $dir3, ...], -r => 1, -check => sub {-M < 7} ); I also want to add a method "content_of_random_file" and "random_line". The next thing I'll do is to give the user the possibility of specifying the directory. Just have a look some hours later. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) 2002 Janek Schleicher, <>