Geo-Raster ======================= DESCRIPTION Geo::Raster has two purposes/goals: 1) To be a general purpose tool for working with geospatial raster data. This means "raster/map algebra" (overlaying and masking DEMs (Digital Elevation Models), land-use rasters, etc), spatial analyses (kriging, ...), extracting indices from the grids (histograms, ...), etc. 2) To be a general purpose Perl/C tool for doing hydrologic and water resources GIS work. This means watershed delineation, finding stream networks, calculating indices (topographic index, ...), preparing data for hydrologic models, developing spatially distributed hydrologic modeling, etc. The small script uses Term::ReadLine and is used to implement a simple but very useful environment for "doing raster algebra GIS with Perl". The can have a live connection to gnuplot and Postgres (if invoked with option -a), this is on a basic level now, for example histograms are simple to plot and rgb values for a grid can be retrieved from a database. Gtk2::Ex::Geo is a GUI (with a CLI capability) for Geo::Raster INSTALLATION To install, unzip and untar the archive. In the directory created type perl make make test make install Geo::Raster requires the Raster Algebra Library libral. libral is at <>. Required modules are ExtUtils::Depends, Statistics::Descriptive, gdalconst, and gdal. Documentation is in the module file and will be added onto perllocal.pod as usual. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS array.c and array.h are taken from the Karl Glazebrook's PGPLOT distribution. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 1999- by Ari Jolma This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of Artistic License 2.0 (included as LICENCE).