Time::Moment::Role::TimeZone - Adjust Time::Moment with time zone


      use Time::Moment;
      use Role::Tiny ();
      use DateTime::TimeZone;
      my $class = Role::Tiny->create_class_with_roles('Time::Moment', 'Time::Moment::Role::TimeZone');
      my $tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'America/New_York');
      my $tm = $class->from_epoch(1000212360)->with_time_zone_offset_same_instant($tz);
      use DateTime::TimeZone::Olson 'olson_tz';
      my $tz = olson_tz('Europe/Oslo');
      my $tm = Time::Moment->new(year => 2012, month => 3, day => 4, hour => 13, minute => 7, second => 42);
      Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_object($tm, 'Time::Moment::Role::TimeZone');
      $tm = $tm->with_time_zone_offset_same_local($tz);
      my $tm = $class->from_epoch(1522095272)->with_system_offset_same_instant;
      my $tm = $class->new_from_string('2009-05-02T12:15:30Z')->with_system_offset_same_local;


    This role provides convenience methods to return a new Time::Moment
    object adjusted according to a DateTime::TimeZone/ ::Tzfile-compatible
    time zone object, as in "TIME ZONES" in Time::Moment. See "CAVEATS"
    regarding usage with date math.



      my $same_instant = $tm->with_time_zone_offset_same_instant($tz);

    Returns a Time::Moment of the same instant, but at an offset from UTC
    according to the given time zone object at that instant.


      my $same_local = $tm->with_time_zone_offset_same_local($tz);

    Returns a Time::Moment of the same local time, with an offset from UTC
    according to the given time zone object at that local time.

    If the local time of the Time::Moment object is ambiguous in the given
    time zone (such as when Daylight Savings Time ends), the time zone
    object will usually use the earliest time. If the local time does not
    exist (such as when Daylight Savings Time starts), the time zone object
    will usually throw an exception.


      my $same_instant = $tm->with_system_offset_same_instant;

    As in "with_time_zone_offset_same_instant", but using the system local
    time zone via "localtime" in perlfunc.


      my $same_local = $tm->with_system_offset_same_local;

    As in "with_time_zone_offset_same_local", but using the system local
    time zone via "timelocal" in Time::Local.

    If the local time of the Time::Moment object is ambiguous in the system
    local time zone (such as when Daylight Savings Time ends), Time::Local
    will use the earliest time. If the local time does not exist (such as
    when Daylight Savings Time starts), Time::Local will use the time one
    hour later.


    Time::Moment does not store a time zone; these methods only set the
    offset and local time for the instantaneous moment represented by the
    object. After doing date math with the object, new times may need to be
    corrected, based on whether the date math was intended to be done
    relative to the absolute or local time.

      my $tm = $class->now_utc->with_time_zone_offset_same_instant($tz); # now in $tz
      my $next_day = $tm->plus_days(1)->with_time_zone_offset_same_local($tz); # 1 day from now in $tz
      my $24h_later = $tm->plus_days(1)->with_time_zone_offset_same_instant($tz); # 24 hours from now in $tz
      my $tm = $class->now; # now in system local time
      my $next_day = $tm->plus_days(1)->with_system_offset_same_local; # 1 day from now in system local time
      my $24h_later = $tm->plus_days(1)->with_system_offset_same_instant; # 24 hours from now in system local time

    Note that "with_time_zone_offset_same_local" may throw an exception
    here if the new local time does not exist in that time zone (e.g.
    between 2 and 3 AM at the start of Daylight Savings Time).


    Report any issues on the public bugtracker.


    Dan Book <>


    Christian Hansen (chansen)


    This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Dan Book.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)


    Time::Moment, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::TimeZone::Olson