Perl6::GatherTake - Perl 6 like "gather { take() }" for Perl 5

        use Perl6::GatherTake; 

        my $powers_of_two = gather {
            my $i = 1;
            for (;;) {
                take $i;
                $i *= 2;

        print $powers_of_two->[3], "\n";
        # output: 8

    Perl6::GatherTake implements an API for producing partial computation
    results on the fly, storing them in a lazy list.

    A word of warning: This module tries to explore some language concepts.
    It is not suitable for any productive work.

    A "gather { ... };" block returns a reference to a (tied) array. Each
    call to "take" inside the block pushes its arguments to that array. The
    block is only run as needed to produce results (but see "BUGS AND
    LIMITATIONS" below), which means that you can put infinite loops inside
    the "gather" block as long as it calls "take" on a regular basis.

    Instead of this common construct:

        my @results;
        for (@data){
            # computations here
            if ($result =~ m/super regex/){
                push @results, $result;

    You can now write

        my $results = gather {
            for (@data){
                # computations here
                if ($result =~ m/super regex/){
                    take $result;

    It has the nice side effect that the computations are only executed as
    the array elements are accessed, so if the end of the array is never
    used you can save much time here.

    Nested "gather { take };" blocks are supported, a "take" always supplies
    data to the innermost "gather" block.

    Note that if a "gather" block is an infinite loop, you're responsible
    for not accessing all elements. If you do something stupid like
    iterating over all items, joining them or copying the array ("my @other
    = @$array_ref") you have an infinite loop (until you run out of memory).

    Assigning to an array element triggers evaluation until the index of the
    changed item is reached.

    This is a prototype module and is neither stable nor well-tested at the

    * Due to the Coro based implementation (and the author's missing
      understanding of Coro's concepts) the lazyness is limited:
      "gather"-blocks might be run up to the first occurance of "take"
      before a element is fetched from the associated array.

    * "scalar @$array_ref" doesn't return "the right" value for an array
      reference that is returend by a gather-take block. More precisely it
      returns the number of already computed values plus one (unless the
      gather block is exhausted). This means that iterating over "for
      (@$list)" will result in an undefined element at the end if the block
      returns only a finite number of elements.

    * This module consumes much more resources than desirable: for each
      gather-take-block it (currently) maintains a tied array (which is
      implemented as a blessed hash) which holds all the computed values so
      far, a "Coro" and a "Coro::Channel" object.

    * "take" doesn't default to $_.

    * More advanced array operations (like slices, "splice" etc.) aren't
      tested yet.

    This package is free software, you can use it under the same terms as
    Perl itself.

    All example and test code in this distribution is "Public Domain" (*),
    i.e. you may use it in any way you want.

    (*) German copyright laws always grant the original author some rights,
    so I can't really place things in the "Public Domain". But don't let
    that bother you.

    Moritz Lenz, <>, <>. E-Mail

    You can obtain the latest development version via subversion:

        svn co

    Patches and comments are welcome.