PayflowPro - Library for accessing PayPal's Payflow Pro HTTP interface

      use PayflowPro qw(pfpro);
      my $data = {

        AMT=> '42.24',
        TAXAMT=>'0.00',      # no tax charged, but specifying it lowers cost
        DESC=>"Test invoice $$",
        COMMENT1=>"Comment 1 $$",
        COMMENT2=>"Comment 2 $$",
        CUSTCODE=>$$ . 'a' . $$,

        TRXTYPE=>'S',                       # sale
        TENDER=>'C',                        # credit card

        # Commercial Card additional info
        SHIPTOZIP=>'20850', # for AmEx Level 2
        DESC4=>'FRT0.00',   # for AmEx Level 2

        # verisign tracking info
        STREET => '123 AnyStreet',
        CITY => 'Anytown',
        COUNTRY => 'us',
        FIRSTNAME => 'Firsty',
        LASTNAME => 'Lasty',
        STATE => 'md',
        ZIP => '20850',

        ACCT => '5555555555554444',
        EXPDATE => '1009',
        CVV2 => '123',

      my $res = pfpro($data);

      if ($res->{RESULT} == 0) {
        print "Woohooo!  We charged the card!\n";

    Interface to HTTP gateway for PayPal's Payflow Pro service. Implements
    the pfpro() function to simplify replacing the old PFProAPI perl module.

    Methods implemented are:

    Set test mode on or off. Test mode means it uses the testing server
    rather than the live one. Default mode is live ($testmode == 0).

    Returns true.

    Set debug mode on or off. Turns on some warn statements to track
    progress of the request. Default mode is off ($mode == 0).

    Returns current setting.

    Process request as per hash ref $data. See PFPro API docs on name/value
    pairs to pass in. All we do here is convert them into an HTTP request,
    then convert the response back into a hash and return the reference to
    it. This emulates the pfpro() function in the original API.

    Additionally, we honor a "TIMEOUT" value which specifies the number of
    seconds to wait for a response from the server. The default is 30
    seconds. Normally for production you should not need to alter this
    value. The test servers are slower so may need larger timeout. The
    minimum value that PayPal will accept is 5 seconds.

    It uses the time and the "INVNUM" (Invoice Number) field of input to
    generate the unique request ID, so don't try to process the same INVNUM
    more than once per second. "INVNUM" is a required datum to be passed
    into this function. Bad things happen if you don't.

    Upon communications failure, it fakes up a response message with
    "RESULT" = -1. Internally, the library tries several times to process
    the transaction if there are network problems before returning this
    failure mode.

    To validate the SSL certificate, you need a ca-bundle file with a list
    of valid certificate signers. Then set the environment variable
    HTTPS_CA_FILE to point to that file. This assumes you are using the
    "Crypt::SSLeay" SSL driver for LWP (should be the default). In your
    code, add some lines like this:

     # CA cert peer verification
     $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} = '/path/to/ca-bundle.crt';

    It is likely to be in /etc/ssl or /usr/local/etc/ssl or /usr/local/certs
    depending on your OS version. The script included with
    this module can be used to create the bundle file based on the current
    Mozilla certificate data if you don't already have such a file. One is
    also included in the source for this module, but it may be out of date
    so it is recommended that you run the script to ensure
    you have the latest information. This program is copied from the CURL
    project ""

    If you do not set HTTPS_CA_FILE it will still work, but you don't get
    the certificate validation to ensure you're speaking to the authentic
    site. You will also get in the HTTPS response headers

     Client-SSL-Warning: Peer certificate not verified

    but you'll only see that if you turn on debugging.

    Vivek Khera <>

    This module is Copyright 2007-2016 Khera Communications, Inc. It is
    licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.