use Business::ID::Mandiri::Account qw(parse_mandiri_account);
     my $res = parse_mandiri_account(account => '1200007799880');


    This module parses/validates Bank Mandiri account number. Mandiri is
    one of the major banks in Indonesia.

    It also contains a routine to list known Mandiri branches (4-digit
    code, which is not included in account numbers). Data is retrieved from
    the Gudang Data project ( ).

    Indonesian keywords: struktur nomor rekening Bank Mandiri, format
    rekening Mandiri, daftar kode cabang Bank Mandiri


    List of valid 3-digit branch codes is not yet available/checked.

    Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) has a different numbering scheme (10

    Accounts with codes starting with 900 are created using RAOS (remote
    account operating system), so the actual branch is not immediately
    evident. You'll need to ask Mandiri for this. (Ref: