NAME List::Objects::Types - Type::Tiny-based types for List::Objects::WithUtils SYNOPSIS package Foo; use List::Objects::Types -all; use List::Objects::WithUtils; use Moo; use MooX::late; has my_array => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayObj, default => sub { array } ); has static_array => ( is => 'ro', isa => ImmutableArray, coerce => 1, default => sub { [qw/ foo bar /] } ); has my_hash => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashObj, coerce => 1, # Coercible from a plain HASH: default => sub { +{} } ); use Types::Standard 'Int', 'Num'; has my_ints => ( is => 'ro', # Nums added to this array_of(Int) are coerced to Ints: isa => TypedArray[ Int->plus_coercions(Num, 'int($_)') ], coerce => 1, default => sub { [1, 2, 3.14] } ); DESCRIPTION A small set of Type::Tiny-based types & coercions for List::Objects::WithUtils. Also see MoopsX::ListObjects, which provides Moops class-building sugar with List::Objects::WithUtils integration. ArrayObj An object that consumes List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array. Can be coerced from a plain ARRAY; a shallow copy is performed. HashObj An object that consumes List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash. Can be coerced from a plain HASH; a shallow copy is performed. ImmutableArray An object that consumes List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array::Immutable. Can be coerced from a plain ARRAY or an "ArrayObj"; a shallow copy is performed. TypedArray An object that consumes List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Array::Typed. Not coercible. TypedArray[`a] TypedArray can be parameterized with another type constraint. For example, the type constraint "TypedArray[Num]" will accept "array_of(Num, 1, 2, 3.14159)", and will also accept "array_of(Int, 1, 2, 3)" because "Int" is a subtype of "Num". Can be coerced from a plain ARRAY or an "ArrayObj"; a shallow copy is performed. If the parameter also has a coercion, this will be applied to each item in the new array. (The "examples/" directory that comes with this distribution contains some examples of parameterized & coercible TypedArrays.) ImmutableTypedArray An object that isa List::Objects::WithUtils::Array::Immutable::Typed. Not coercible. ImmutableTypedArray[`a] ImmutableTypedArray can be parameterized with another type constraint, like "TypedArray". Can be coerced from a plain ARRAY or an "ArrayObj". TypedHash An object that consumes List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::Hash::Typed. Not coercible. TypedHash[`a] TypedHash can be parameterized with another type constraint, like "TypedArray". Can be coerced from a plain HASH or a "HashObj". If the parameter also has a coercion, this will be applied to each value in the new hash. ImmutableTypedHash An object that isa List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Immutable::Typed. Not coercible. ImmutableTypedHash[`a] ImmutableTypedHash can be parameterized with another type constraint, like "TypedHash". Can be coerced from a plain HASH or an "HashObj". InflatedHash An object that isa List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash::Inflated. Can be coerced from a "HashRef" or "HashObj". AUTHOR Jon Portnoy <> with significant contributions from Toby Inkster (CPAN: TOBYINK)