List::Insertion - Binary search a list for insertion point

    Export a subroutine to locate the index of the first instance (left) of
    value in a sorted simple scalar list:

      # Exports 'search_numeric_left' only
      use List::Insertion {type=>"numeric", duplicate=>"left"};

      # Data has value 30 duplcated

      my @data=(10, 20, 30, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70);
      #index    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7

      # The insert position will be index 2, which is left of duplicates
      my $key= 30;
      my $pos=search_numeric_left $key, \@data;

      if($data[$pos] == $key){
        # Exact match, $pos is the index of the searched $key in the array (left)
        # $pos is the index where $key should be inserted

    Same as above with string comparison:

      use List::Insertion {type=>"string", duplicate=>"left"};

      my @data=qw<10 20 30 30 40 50 60 70>;
      #index      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

      my $key= "30";
      my $pos=search_string_left $key, \@data;

      if($data[$pos] eq $key){

    Export a subroutine to search for insertion point, of array of hashes,
    right of duplicates, with accessor to comparison value:

      # Data has value=>3 duplcated. Elements are hash refs so use an accessor snippet
      use List::Insertion {type=>"numeric", duplicate=>"right", accessor=>'->{value}'};
      my @data=(
        {value=>1, other=>"a"},
        {value=>2, other=>"b"},
        {value=>3, other=>"c"},
        {value=>3, other=>"d"},
        {value=>4, other=>"e"},
        {value=>5, other=>"f"},

      # The insert position will be index 4, which is right of duplicates
      my $key= 3;
      my $pos=search_numeric_right $key, \@data;

    Export 'make_search' and create anonymous subroutine instead of
    injecting named subroutines to name space

      use List:::Insertion "make_search";

      my @data=(1, 2, 3);

      my $search=make_search type=>"numeric", duplicate=>"left";
      my $key=2;
      my $pos=$search->($key, \@data);

    List::Insertion implements binary search algorithms to locate the
    insertion point of a sorted list for a given value. If the value were to
    be inserted at that position, the list would remain sorted.

    A distinction is made between inserting left or right of an exact match
    or duplicated entry. This allows to insert data before contiguous equal
    items or after.

    Performance rather than flexibility is favoured in the implementation
    and necessitates the following restrictions on the data stored in the
    array/list and how it's compared:

    Data must be sorted in asscending order only
        This simplifies the combinations of subroutines exported

    No code blocks can be specified
        While code blocks are very flexible, 90% of the functionality can be
        achieved with 'accessor' snippets.

    Element comparision is implicitly numerical or string
        No object methods for comparison. Only basic "<=>", ">=", "le" and
        "ge" operators are used for internally for string and numeric

    List element must be homogeneous and defined
        All items in the list are expected to have the same data structure.
        The structure can be a simple scalar like a string or number, in
        which case no 'acceesor' snippet is used.

        On the other hand it could be complex, like an array of arrays or
        hashes of objects to any level. The only restriction in this case is
        the 'accessor' snippet is able to access the value for comparison
        via post dereferencing or method calls

    Although intended for searching for a insertion point, this module can
    also be used for general searching of elements. A simple check of
    equality between the search key and value at the found index will
    determine if the value was actually found or not.

    The returned index will never indicate 'not found' as there is always a
    insert location in a list.

    No symbols are exported by default. Specifications given at import time
    are used to generate and export the search routine (s) needed. Anonymous
    search subroutines can also be generated.

  General Binary Search Performance
    Thanks to the lack of a CODE blocks and more streamlined comparison,
    this module is on par with List::BinarySearch::XS for at least one level
    of structured data. Not bad for pure perl.

    Please see the associated benchmarking script in this

      Results for searching an array with 1000 random numeric elements stored in a
      key/value hash. The keys searched are also randomly generated and may not
      existing inthe sorted list. Comparision between List::BinarySearch::PP,
      List::BinarySearch::XS, and List::Insertion

                   Rate L::BS::PP      L::I L::BS::XS
      L::BS::PP 14902/s        --      -80%      -81%
      L::I      74796/s      402%        --       -6%
      L::BS::XS 79644/s      434%        6%        --

  Building/Updating an Already Sorted List
    Perl is pretty fast when sorting bulk array data in a single sort call.
    However adding a single new value and resorting an existing array is not
    nearly as fast.

    Normally to update an already sorted array with a new value, you would
    push the new value to the array and resort. This module can improve
    performance by first locating the insert point at which you would splice
    in the new value. For example:

        my @data= map rand(10), 1..1000; 

        my $key=4.3;

        # Instead of this ...
        my @perl_sort;
        push @perl_sort, $key;
        @perl_sort=sort {$a <=> $b} @perl_sort;

        # Do this ...
        my @sorted;
        my $pos;
          $pos=search_numeric_left $key, \@sorted;
          splice @sorted, $pos, 0, $key;
        else {
          push @sorted, $key;

    The benchmarking script in this distribution
    demonstrates building a list where each element is a key value pair
    (hash) storing a random value. This module is within approx 20% of the
    XS implementation of List::BinarySearch::XS and is much faster than the
    pure perl List::BinarySearch::PP.

      Results for constructing/sorting an array with 1000 random numeric elements
      one element at a time. Each element is key/value hash.  Comparision between
      List::BinarySearch::PP, List::BinarySearch::XS, perl sort, and

                         Rate perl_sort_update L_BS_PP_update L_I_update L_BS_XS_update
      perl_sort_update 25.5/s               --           -86%       -97%           -97%
      L_BS_PP_update    179/s             603%             --       -76%           -81%
      L_I_update        760/s            2884%           325%         --           -18%
      L_BS_XS_update    922/s            3523%           416%        21%             --

    When importing this module, the type of comparison (string or numeric)
    and the behaviour in dealing with duplicate values (left or right) is
    specified along with optional accessor and prefix options.

    Combinations of these options are generated via "Data::Combination",
    allowing multiple subroutines to be configured and returned with minimal

    Consider the following examples:

        use List::Insertion {type=>"numeric", position=>left};                #(1)

        use List::Insertion {type=>"numeric", position=>["left", "right"]};   #(2)

        use List::Insertion {                                               #(3)
          type=>"numeric", duplicate=>["left", "right"], accessor=>'->{hash_key}'

        use List::Insertion {                                               #(4)
          type=>"numeric", duplicate=>["left", "right"], accessor=>'->{hash_key}->method',

    1.  Imports the subroutine "search_numeric_left"

    2.  Imports the subroutines "search_numeric_left" and

    3.  Imports the subroutines "search_numeric_left" and
        "search_numeric_right" and uses the accessor '->{hash_key} when
        accessing elements. Elements must all be hash references and the
        hash key will be compared in numeric fashion.

    4.  Imports the subroutines "find_numeric_left" and "find_numeric_right"
        and uses the accessor '->{hash_key}->method' when accessing
        elements. Elements must all respond to 'method', with its return
        value compared in numeric fashion.

    The default values of supported options are used if no matching options
    are present in an import specification. The defaults are:


    Supported options during importing include:

      type=>NAME or type=[NAME,...]

    A plain scalar or array ref of comparison type names. The type is
    implicitly used as the second part of an exported subroutines name.
    Supported values for NAME are:

        Numerical comparison

        String comparison

      duplicate=>SIDE  or pos=>[SIDE,...]

    A plain scalar or array ref of side names. The side to choose when
    duplicate values are encountered. This is used implicitly as the last
    part of an exported subroutines name.

    Supported values for SIDE are:

    left, lesser
        Choose the lower index when the duplicate items are encountered.

            my @list=( 10, 20, 20, 20, 30)

            A 'left' search for 20 will result in a index of 1

    right, greater
        Choose the greater index (after duplicates) when the duplicate items
        are encountered.

            my @list=( 10, 20, 20, 20, 30)
            A 'right' search for 20 will result in a index of 4


    A string consisting of perl post dereferencing/method call syntax, which
    is used is to access internal levels of a element's data structure.
    Internally this string is literally appending to the array element
    indexing code:

        Acessor: ->{hash_ref}[array_deref]->method
        Interal code: ... $array[$index] ...

        Resulting code: ... $array[$index]->{hash_ref}[array_deref]->method ...

    If not specified, it is treated as an empty string, and elements in the
    list are treated as numeric/string simple scalars. Their value are used
    directly in comparisons in the search algorithm.

    If specified, elements are dereferenced/called with the accessor. The
    resulting value is used in the comparison in the search algorithm.

    The value of the search key is NOT subject to the accessor and is used
    directly in comparison.


    A string which becomes the start of the imported subroutines name. If
    unspecified, the string "search" is used.

        use List::Insertion {prefix=>"my_searcher", ...};

        # The subrotine imported will start with my_searcher

        my $pos=my_searcher_...

  Anonymous Subroutines
    Instead of importing named subroutines into your namespace, anonymous
    subroutines can be generated by importing the "make_search" subroutine:

      use List::Insertion "make_search";

      my $sub=make_search {options}

    Creates a search subroutine configured with a options hash ref. Each
    option is a key value pair, as described in the importing section. Only
    simple scalars key/values are allowed, as only a single subroutine is
    returned per call. Multiple calls to this subroutine will need to be
    used to generate multiple search subroutines.

    This is the subroutine called internally during import to generate the
    named subroutines.

    The option prefix has no effect as the routine is anonymous.

  Using Generated or Exported subrotines
    The generated/imported subroutines are named in the format:


    where prefix, type and duplicate represent the prefix, data type (
    string or numeric) and duplicated entry handling (left or right)

    These routines are called with two arguments, the search key and
    reference to the sorted data:

        my $insert=find_nv_left $key, \@data;

    The return value is the index in the @data, which if inserting $key will
    keep the list sorted.

    The value of the element located at $insert my be equal to the search

    NOTE: Search routines never return less then 0 or otherwise indicate
    'element not found'. The index is always the point when data can be
    inserted. So an empty list will always return a found index of 0, as
    this where an element would be inserted.

    Make an XS version
        That could be tricky with the accessor feature.

    Validate accessor
        Add a 'validator' for testing/confirmation of accessor syntax

    List::BinarySearch and the List::BinarySearch::PP(pure perl) and
    List::BinarySearch::XS (XS enhanced) 'sub modules' provide more
    flexibility than this module thanks to the use of code blocks for
    element comparison.

    Please report any bugs and feature requests on the repo page: GitHub

    Ruben Westerberg, <>

    Copyright (C) 2023 by Ruben Westerberg

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, or under the MIT license