version 4.03

            use strict;
            use warnings;

            my $converter = Convert::MRC->new;

    The MRC format is fully described in an article by Alan K. Melby which
    appeared in Tradumatica
    <>. At an
    approximation, it is a file of tab-separated rows, each consisting of an
    ID, a data category, and a value to be stored for that category in the
    object with the given ID. The file should be sorted on its first column.
    If it is not, the converter may skip rows (if they are at too high a
    level) or end processing early (if the order of A-rows, C-rows, and
    R-rows is broken).

    This translator receives a file or list of files in this format and
    emits TBX-Basic, a standard format for terminology interchange.
    Incorrect or unusable input is skipped, with one exception, and the
    problem is noted in a log file. The outputs generally have the same
    filename as the inputs, and a suffix of .tbx and .warnings, but a number
    may be added to the filename to ensure the output filenames are unique.

    The exception noted is this: If the user documents a party responsible
    for some change in the termbase, but does not state whether that party
    is a person or an organization, the party will be included in the TBX as
    a "respParty". This designation does not conform to the TBX-Basic
    standard and will need to be changed (to "respPerson" or "respOrg")
    before the file will validate. This is one of the circumstances in which
    the converter will output invalid TBX-Basic.

    The other circumstance is that a file might not contain a definition, a
    part of speech, or a context sentence for some term, or might not
    contain a term itself. The converter detects these and warns about them,
    but there is no way it could fix them. It does not detect or warn about
    concepts containing no langSet or langSets containing no term, but these
    are also invalid.

    Convert::MRC- Perl extension for converting MRC files into TBX-Basic.

    Creates and returns a new instance of Convert::MRC.

    Optional argument: string file path or GLOB

    Sets and/or returns the file handle used to print the converted TBX.

    Optional argument: string file path or GLOB

    Sets and/or returns the file handle used to log any messages.

    Optional argument: string file path or GLOB; '-' means STDIN

    Sets and/or returns the file handle used to read the MRC data from.

    Processes each of the input files, printing the converted TBX file to a
    file with the same name and the suffix ".tbx". Warnings are also printed
    to a file with the same name and the suffix ".log".

    Converts the input MRC data into TBX-Basic:

    * Reading MRC data from "input_fh"

    * Printing TBX-Basic data to "tbx_fh"

    * Logging messages to "log_fh"

    * The homepage for this program is located here
      <>. You can use it
      online (one file at a time), and can also view a tutorial about MRC

    * A more in-depth look at MRC can be found in this article

    * General TBX iformation can be found here <>.

    Nathan Rasmussen, Nathan Glenn <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Alan K. Melby.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.