SYNOPSIS use Plack::App::File; use Plack::Builder; builder { mount "/stylesheets" => builder { enable "File::Less"; Plack::App::File->new(root => "./stylesheets"); }; }; # Or with Middleware::Static enable "File::Less"; enable "Static", path => qr/\.css$/, root => "./static"; DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::File::Less is middleware that compiles Less <> templates into CSS stylesheet.. When a request comes in for *.css* file, this middleware changes the internal path to *.less* in the same directory. If the LESS template is found, a new CSS stylesheet is built on memory and served to the browsers. Otherwise, it falls back to the original *.css* file in the directory. LESS BACKENDS If you have the "lessc" executable available in your PATH, this module automatically uses the command to convert LESS into CSS. If the command is not available and you have CSS::LESSp perl module available, it will be used. Otherwise you'll get an exception during the initialization of this middleware component. SEE ALSO Plack::App::File CSS::LESSp <> AUTHORS * Naoya Ito <lt><gt> * Franck Cuny <lt><gt> * Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <lt><gt> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.