Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry Placeholder for miscellaneous

    version 0.01

      use Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry::ComponentName;

    This module reserves the name space for miscellaneous components that
    are relevant for building awesome sequencing applications using the
    Bio::SeqAlignment framework. The module itself does not provide any
    functionality, so you will have to load the specific components you need
    as you build your application, e.g.:

      use Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry::ComponentName;

    where ComponentName is the name of the component you need.

        This module provides functions to add various tails to the 3' of
        biological sequences. Such modifications are useful for e.g.
        simulating polyA tails in RNAseq, adding UMI tags to sequences, etc.

        This module provides functions to store and retrieve sequence
        modifications in various formats. These modifications provide a
        meta-data layer to fasta files (and down the road to fastq files)
        that can be used to track changes made to the sequences in the file.
        While there are many ways to store such information, this module
        provides a simple way to store and retrieve it in common
        serialization formats (e.g. JSON/YAML/MessagePack). Storing this
        information in this manner allows for easy retrieval and use in
        downstream analyses and avoids the use of the rather heavyweight
        BioPerl modules.

        This module provides helper functions for reading and writing
        (simple) sequence files. By simple sequence files, we mean files
        that contain only sequence data, such as FASTA (and some time in the
        future FASTQ) files. The module uses the BioX::Seq module to parse
        sequences. This is a simple module that provides a lightweight
        object-oriented interface to sequence data. It is also wickedly

    Christos Argyropoulos <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Christos Argyropoulos.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.