Speech::Synthesiser - Speech Output for Perl ============================================ Richard Caley <R.Caley@ed.ac.uk> -------------------------------- This is a simple perl extension module which provides a way for perl programs to speak using a speech synthesiser. The interface is intended to allow any synthesiser to be plugged in. An implementation using the festival speech synthesiser is included. For more information about festival, see: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival.html If you have problemsw with or suggestions about this module, please sign up for and mail to the festival-talk mailing list, see: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/lists.html In addition to the generic Speech::Synthesiser interface specific interface to festival is provided as Speech::Festival, thi allows more control of the synthesiser. Some simple example scripts are included to show how it works. festival_test.prl Uses the scheme interface. festival_test [auto|loop] scheme1 scheme2 ... Sends each of the scheme forms to festival synthesiser_test.prl Uses the text to speech interface. synthesiser_test text1 text2 ... Synthesizes each text in turn, choosing voices randomly. festival_panel.prl Is a Tk graphical interface allowing you to enter text, select a voice and hear the speech. Run with -q if you don't want it to be quite so chatty. Dispite the name, it's not actually festival specific, if someone implements an interface to another synthesiser it would be trivial to allow access to it from this script.