WWW::PTV - Perl interface to Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Website.

        use WWW::PTV;

        my $ptv = WWW::PTV->new( cache => 1 );

        # Return a WWW::PTV::Route object for route ID 1
        my $route = $ptv->get_route_by_id(1);

        # Print the route name and outbound description
        print $route->name .":". $route->description ."\n";

        # Get the route outbound timetable as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object
        my $tt = $route->get_outbound_tt;

        # Get the route stop names and IDs as a hash in the inbound direction
        my %stops = $route->get_stop_names_and_ids( 'in' );

  new ( cache => BOOLEAN )
    Constructor method - creates a new WWW::PTV object. This method accepts
    an optional hashref specifying a single valid parameter; *cache*, which
    if set to a true value will enable internal object caching.

    The default behaviour is not to implement any caching, however it is
    strongly recommended that you enable caching in most implementations.
    Caching will dramatically improve the performance of repeated method
    invocations and reduce network utilisation, but will increase memory

    You may also selectively enable or disable the cache after invoking the
    constructor via the cache and nocache methods.

    See the CACHING section for more information.

    Enables internal object caching. See the CACHING section for more

    Enables internal object caching. See the CACHING section for more

    Returns a hash containing all metropolitan bus routes indexed by the bus
    route ID.

    Please note that the bus route ID is not the same as the bus route ID
    that may be used to identify the service by the service operator - the
    ID used in this module refers to the unique ID assigned to the route
    within the context of the PTV website.

            my %routes = $ptv->get_metropolitan_bus_routes;
            map { printf( "%-6s: %-50s\n", $_, $routes{ $_ } } sort keys %routes;

            # Prints a list of all metropolitan bus route IDs and names. e.g.
            # 1000  : 814 - Springvale South - Dandenong via Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre, Springvale
            # 1001  : 815 - Dandenong - Noble Park                      
            # 1003  : 821 - Southland - Clayton via Heatherton 
            # ... etc.

    Returns a hash containing all regional bus routes indexed by the bus
    route ID.

    Please note that the bus route ID is the PTV designated ID for the route
    and not the service operator ID.

            my %routes = $ptv->get_regional_bus_routes;

            while (( $id, $desc ) = each %routes ) {
                    print "$id : $desc\n" if ( $desc =~ /Echuca/ )

            # Prints a list of regional bus routes containing 'Echuca' in the route name - e.g.
            # 1346 : Echuca - Moama (Route 3 - Circular)
            # 1345 : Echuca - Echuca East (Route 2 - Circular)
            # 6649 : Kerang - Echuca via Cohuna (Effective from 18/11/2012)
            # ... etc.

    Returns a hash containing all metropolitan tram routes indexed by the
    route ID.

    Please note as per the method above, the route ID is the PTV designated
    route and not the service operator ID.

    Returns a hash containing all metropolitan train routes indexed by the
    route ID.

    Please note as per the method above, the route ID is the PTV designated
    route and not the service operator ID.

    Returns a hash containing all V/Line bus routes indexed by the route ID.

    Please note as per the method above, the route ID is the PTV designated
    route and not the service operator ID.

    Returns a hash containing all V/Line train routes indexed by the route

    Please note as per the method above, the route ID is the PTV designated
    route and not the service operator ID.

            my $route = $ptv->get_route_by_id( 1 );

            print $route->direction_out."\n".$route_description."\n";
            # Prints the outbound route direction ("To Alamein") and a 
            # description of the outbound route

    Returns a WWW::PTV::Route object for the given route ID representing a
    transit route.

    Note that the route ID is not the service operator route ID, but is the
    PTV route ID as obtained from one of the other methods in this class.

    See the WWW::PTV::Route page for more detail.

   get_stop_by_id ( $ID )
    Returns the stop identified by the numerical parameter $ID as a
    WWW::PTV::Stop object. The numerical identifier of a stop is unique.

    Returns a hash containing the defined "local areas" and a URI to the
    local area web page. The hash is indexed by the local area name.

   get_area_by_id ( $ID )
    Returns the area identified by the numerical parameter $ID as a
    WWW::PTV::Area object.

    It is strongly recommended that you enable caching in the constructor
    invocation using the optional *cache* argument. Caching is not enabled
    by default to align with the principle of least surprise, however it is
    most likely that you will want to enable it to improve the performance
    of your program and to reduce the number ofrequests to the PTV website.

    If you do not enable caching, then you may wish to consider storing any
    retrieved objects locally (e.g. in a database), or attempting to limit
    the frequency, or number, of methods invocations.

    Note that you can also disable the cache for selective method
    invocations by invoking the no_cache method prior to method invocation,
    and then re-enable the cache (which will also restore the content of the
    cache prior to the invocation of the nocache method) with the cache

            # Disable cache

            $ptv->get_stop_by_id( $id );

            # Re-enable cache

    WWW::PTV::Area WWW::PTV::Route WWW::PTV::Stop WWW::PTV::TimeTable

    Luke Poskitt, "<ltp at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-www-ptv at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc WWW::PTV

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Copyright 2012 Luke Poskitt.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.