
--- What is Audio::RPLD?
This is a perl module to control the RoarAudio PlayList Daemon (rpld).
It supports most commands supported by the rpld.
This included commands to control playback, the Main Queue, playlists
and pointer mangement.

--- Building and Installing:

There are no build or runtime depends beside the depend to
the Perl 5.x core libs.

Some system provide a package for this module.
The name may be or look simular to: libaudio-rpld-perl.

If your system does not include a package you can install this package
by paw:

 $ perl Makefile.PL
 $ make

 now switch to root and type:
 # make install

 or use sudo:
 $ sudo make install

--- Docs

After you installed the package you can read the docs by using this command:
 $ perldoc Audio::RPLD

Before you installed the packaged you can read the docs by using this command:
 $ perldoc lib/Audio/