NAME DESCRIPTION is a script that can be used to seach out a minimum perl version on a system and adjust the #!/path/to/perl so that the @INC paths will be of use to the script with a perl version requirement. It also is usefull for searching out perl mods and installing the pm if not found. Root is required by the installer. Simply put all required files in a subdir MODS/. You'll need to adjust and @array and $InstallScript variable to meet your needs. I got inspired to write this because the systems I work on often have various versions of perl installed on them and the generic makefile and build don't do enough to meet my needs. When distributing to the various system administrators I found this works best for installing a new script or project without having to give them really explicit instructions and hope that they follow them closely. Example of Install as Intended. ============================================= . .. MODS/ File/ Net/ Tk/ YourScript.README #You'll need to modify lines below to meet your needs. #Mods to install if not already found. @REQLIBS = qw(File/ Net/ Tk/; #Name of Script to install $INSTSCRIPT = ""; This script is intended to be a stand alone script. If looking at this code inspires you to do something with it, or if you have any questions feel free to email me. AUTHOR Arther Neal Garrett . COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004 Arther Neal Garrett. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.